It is said girlfriends are cheaper than therapy and I have certainly found this to be true. Girlfriends laugh with us and help us laugh at ourselves. I have done more than my part to aid in the comic relief of my friends. I was at a friends house many years ago and we were getting ready to go to youth group. We were in such a hurry that when it was my turn to take a shower I jumped in and after I am standing under the water do I notice that I forgot to take off my bra. I started hollering, and could not believe what I had just done. I told Michelle through the door what I did and I don't think I have ever heard her laugh as hard as she did at that moment. It would have been a non issue if Michelle and I wore the same size bra, and if I had noticed I didn't throw a bra into in my bag before I left my house. I ended up having to dry my hair and my bra with the blow dryer.
I have spit pop out of my nose, and lost my ice cream right off the cone at McDonalds (don't hold it against me...I haven't done that in years). I have fallen on my butt at the bowling alley, and at the skating rink. Truth be told I am not the most graceful thing on two legs. Just last night a few of my girlfriends and I went to dinner to celebrate our friend Julie's birthday and then we went to see a movie. We are in a packed theater with at least 125 other people, probably more. I decided I had to go to the restroom before the movie started. I go running across the the floor right in front of the big screen where everyone is looking waiting for the opening previews... and I wiped out. Yep, Kimmi was down and I knew I had two choices, I could either army crawl across the nasty floor and make my escape or I could go with my second choice. I stood up in front of all those people and I took a bow. As I was picking up my butt and what was left of my dignity off the floor I catch one of my girlfriends get up and start to take a few steps to come to my aid. Once Julie (not the birthday girl- we are so awesome we have two Julies) saw me stand up and take a bow she sat back down and joined our fellow movie goers in a round of applause. I headed to the restroom limping on what I am now certain is a broke toe or at least a badly bruised one. It is a most lovely shade of blue-ish purple. This coming weekend I am headed for an encore presentation of the same movie with a group of equally amazing friends who couldn't make it last night...and I am really hoping I don't end up on my butt again in front of all those people.
Girlfriends are priceless. Michelle and I don't see each other often but when we do it's as though we haven't really missed a beat. I am part of an amazing group of women. There are several of us and I love when we all go out together. We always have a good time and usually go home with sore facial muscles from grinning so much. We laugh together, cry together, hug each others children, discuss every topic imaginable, lend a hand, give encouragement, text each other on a whim, pray for each other, we celebrate moments big and small together. We have shared in each others trials and triumphs. We reach out to each other and respect when to hold on and when to give a little space. We get our feelings hurt sometimes and we move on. I lovingly refer to these ladies as "my girls" and I count them all among my greatest treasures. I am also incredibly thankful for a husband who understands the need for my occasional girl's night out!
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