Friday, July 13, 2012

Back to the basics

It has been a long time since we have had a vacation...just our little family of three.  We go on vacation every year at some point but usually go with our extended family.  I love my extended family but it was nice to get away with my husband and daughter. 

We rented a surrey bike and I am certain that was quite a site to behold for on lookers.  Mark and I did all the work while her royal highness sat in bench seat enjoying the wind in her hair.  There were only 2 sets of pedals otherwise Charli will have been pedaling, like the rest of us peasants.  When we would come to the top of the hill Charli would yell "Keep pedaling Daddy!" , while I would yell "No brake!!!  We are going to tip!!"  Mark kept pedaling, Charli squealed with laughter and though, we didn't tip over I am certain I have new gray hair growth.

I booked a wonderful resort and we spent much of our time hanging out by the pool.  I read a great book, while my adrenaline junkies hit the water slides.  We ate ice cream at a hole in the wall joint where everything is homemade.  We sat outside to enjoy our ice cream and watched the lighting dance in the dark sky, seeking shelter in the car just moments before the rain began to pour. 

We enjoyed a trip to the museum, and a fantastic Mummy exhibit.  I must confess that was super creepy, and very Raiders of the Lost Ark (I am so aging myself)!  It was a very interesting exhibit and Mark and Charli enjoyed the fact that I was a little creeped out.  I was certain I would have nightmares, but Mark is the one who had a dream about me being chased by mummies.  I am not sure if he was trying to save me or if he was sitting on the sidelines eating popcorn and cheering them on.  He never did get around to sharing that part of the dream. 

Our vacation wouldn't be complete without a trip to the beach, so we loaded up the car and headed to Honeymoon Island State Park.  We played in the sand, and frolicked in the sea.  We collected shells, and Mark and Charli enjoyed a hearty laugh as I chased my sun hat down the beach.  We had a wonderful time creating memories.  Our little adventure has come to an end but the memories that we created will live in my heart and in scrapbooks for many years to come.

I am hopeful you have had the chance to enjoy creating memories with your family as well.  Life is short...we have to make it count. :D

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